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The EH Settlement of Rafina comes back to the surface!

By sunrise of the new year, for two days 3 and 4 January the Antiquities of East Attica under the supervision of archaeologist Mr. Pella Fotiadis started incisions at the mail square in Rafina, where according to the first excavator Dr. Theocharis there are significant EH settlement findings, which after the first excavation between 1951-53 were covered again, after having ensured to remain outside the room layout as square.

Since the municipality Rafina-Pikermi decided to redevelop the square, archaeologists have shown great interest and curiosity abundant for buried antiquities of EH village, between 3200-2000 BC Alongside desire and the municipality is at outlining the findings are located at exposure situation.

Tuesday work began in undisturbed northeastern part of the square, which removed the soil without revealing walls, but revealed some tools such as a knife or scraper flint, one polished stone like pebbles which bring notch that fits in the palm to prepares for a domestic use. As smaller stones that need to be investigated.
The next day, Wednesday, in the NW part after the mayor P-P n. Bournous condescended to remove plates covering points of the first excavation findings just 10 cm beneath the soil, ceramics mainly and wall, excite imagination of what will then be revealed.

The enormous interest of the municipality turned to the start of the cuts on Tuesday, when the spot was attended by Mayor P-P n. Pistikidis with deputy mayors Bournous masters, Kalfanti and Palpatzi, which means that the municipality is determined to bring the space to the right of arrangement, if and as long as the antiquities are particularly interesting, proving that Rafina lived millennia ago.

The site of the so-called "Roman bath-house" at Rafina

The area of ​​the so-called "Roman bath-house" located at the entrance of the modern town of Rafina and partially excavated in the decade of 1970 mainly from Northern Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, which proceeded to the expropriation. It was revealed then a large part baths (bath-house) in about the plot center, while in test trenches identified wall remains in the round space, which belonged to a large building complex, rather a large rural epafli.ton Roman - Late Roman times. The program provides for the systematic excavation for full disclosure and accurate determination of the character of the building complex, with parallel work on maintenance-fixation of the full publication of the findings and finally the emergence of the entire archaeological site.
It was revealed then a large part baths (bath-house) late Roman period around the plot center, while in test trenches identified wall remains in the round space, which belonged to a large building complex, rather a big rural villa.

A significant amount kept excavated sections of the bath, including tanks, spaces with tiled floors hypocaust premises with underground vaulted corridor (cryptoporticus) for their proper functioning, while on the premises of the hot bath (caldarium) the configuration of bathtubs betrays more construction phases until late antiquity.
A mill east certifies agricultural facilities in the building complex, and a pottery kiln is located in the northern part of the plot.
Work in 2012 had a preliminary nature and related to the search, identification and initial processing of the data of the old excavations (indexing and study calendars, integrating the architectural remains in the same project definition grid), and addressing urgent protection and maintenance problems mainly floor and mortars.


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