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ICOM | International Museum Day 2017

International Museum Day 2017
Museums and amfiilegomenes stories: Museums speak for those not called
Athens, February 2, 2017
Doc. Ref .: 18

All members
the Greek Committee of ICOM

The 18th May is celebrated, as you know, all over the world as International Museum Day and is dedicated each year to a specific topic relating to museums and heritage protection.

We would like to inform you that for 2017 the International Council of Museums (ICOM) has chosen the theme "Museums and controversial stories: Museums speak for those not called."

By choosing this theme the ICOM wishes to highlight the museums as social peace bodies, believing that the presentation of controversial or contentious issues can be a first step towards social reconciliation and harmonious coexistence of humans. The museums can contribute to understanding difficult, controversial or complex aspects of human history. Moreover, as mediation and dialogue spaces have the potential to play an essential role in the peaceful treatment of traumatic stories, offering multiple perspectives and readings.

More information about this year's celebration of International Museum Day is available here .

The aim of establishing the DIM in 1977 was to make widely known the basic principle of the International Council of Museums, namely that museums must be carriers of cultural exchanges, to enhance learning, to promote mutual understanding, peace and cooperation among humans.  

Participation in the celebration of museums from around the world is growing every year. In 2016 more than 35,000 museums in 145 countries participated by organizing various events.

We call the cultural institutions of all categories to participate in this celebration. The events held within the DIM take place on May 18 and their duration can vary from one day to one week.

Players who wish to take part in events please inform us as soon as possible and no later than February 28, 2017, sending here the application form, completed in accordance with the instructions printed on each box.


For the Board

The President - Alexandra Bunia
The Secretary - Voula Kalliodi

ICOM | Saints Asomaton 15 Thissio

T .: 210 3239414 | Secretariat Hours: 5-9mm Wednesday and Thursday 11am - 2pm

Click here to download the Registration Form

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