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Treasure of El Carambolo

The Treasure of El Carambolo (Spanish: Tesoro del Carambolo) was found in El Carambolo, Spain, 3 kilometers west of Seville, on 30 September 1958. The discovery of the treasure hoard spurred interest in the Tartessos culture, but recent scholars have debated whether the treasure was a product of local culture or of the Phoenicians.The treasure was found during renovations being made at a pigeon shooting society. It consists of 21 pieces of crafted gold: a necklace with pendants, two bracelets, two ox-hide-shaped pectorals, and 16 plaques that may have made up a necklace or diadem.The jewelry had been buried inside a ceramic vessel. Following the discovery, archaeologist Juan de Mata Carriazo excavated the site. The treasure has been dated to the 8th century BCE, with the exception of the necklace, which is thought to be from 6th century BCE Cyprus. The hoard itself is thought to have been buried in the 6th century BCE.
The original treasure
Herodotus, Histories : These came to Tartessos and became friends with the king of the Tartessians whose name was Arganthonios: he was ruler of the Tartessians for eighty

Herodotus, Histories : of the Tartessians whose name was Arganthonios: he was ruler of the Tartessians for eighty years and lived in all one hundred and twenty.

Herodotus, Histories : these are they who discovered the Adriatic and Tyrsenia and Iberia and Tartessos : and they made voyages not in round ships, but in vessels

Herodotus, Histories : in round ships, but in vessels of fifty oars. These came to Tartessos and became friends with the king of the Tartessians whose name was

Herodotus, Histories : to blow, they passed through the Pillars of Heracles and came to Tartessos, guided by divine providence. Now this trading-place was at that time

Herodotus, Histories : also weasels produced in the silphion, which are very like those of Tartessos . Such are the wild animals which the land of the Libyans

Aristophanes, Frogs : for you; the hundred-headed Hydra shall tear your sides to pieces; the Tartessian Muraena shall fasten itself on your lungs and the Tithrasian Gorgons shall

Aristotelian Corpus, On Marvelous Things Heard : It is said that the first Phoenicians who sailed to Tartessus took away so much silver as cargo, carrying there olive-oil and other

Pseudo Scymnus or Pausanias of Damascus, Circuit of the Earth : it is a two-day sail to that most fortunate trading post called Tartessos, a famous city, with riverborne tin from Keltike and much gold

Pseudo Scymnus or Pausanias of Damascus, Circuit of the Earth : taking a colony from Carthage. The next land, it is said, the Tartessians hold. Then the Iberians, and above these places are the Bebrykes. 

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