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Asklepion identified in ancient city of Kythnos

Building 1

Rich and impressive was the 2016 archaeological finds on Kythnos in Vryokastro place where the ancient capital of the island is located. As informs, with communication, the excavation team, headed by Professor Alexander Mazarakis Ainian, research focused on two public buildings (temples) of the Classical-Hellenistic period in Medium Platoma Upper Town. Indeed, one of them (Building 1) was identified with Asclepius.

Συγκεκριμένα, η λατρευτική χρήση του Κτιρίου 1 (που έχει διαστάσεις 17,40 Χ 11,50 μ.) τεκμηριώνεται τόσο από την παρουσία βωμού στα ανατολικά, όσο και από τα κινητά ευρήματα. «Μεταξύ άλλων πρόκειται για θραύσματα πήλινων ειδωλίων και μια μικρή μαρμάρινη κεφαλή Ασκληπιού, που βρέθηκε εντός του βόρειου προστώου. 

Specifically, the religious use of Building 1 (which has dimensions of 17.40 x 11.50 m.) As documented by the presence of the altar on the east, and from the mobile discoveries. "Among other things going on fragments of clay figurines and a small marble head of Asclepius, found in the northern portico.
Building 2

The cult of Asclepius Kythnos was already known from a votive relief of the second half of the 4th century. B.C. kept at the National Archaeological Museum.

The Building 1 should be built in late Classical period (4th c. BC), but the main use phase is placed in the Hellenistic period. "The presence of several Roman lamps in the upper layers reveals the continued operation of the building and during those times.

One of Kythnos Municipality inscribed base honorary column of the second half of the 2nd century. B.C. or 1st century principles., was placed in second use in the late southern portico.In contrast, the use of the building 2 (measuring 20.20 x 8 m.) Despite the varied and interesting findings is not yet clear.

As inform archeologists, inside the building, where the research has not been completed, "collected mainly pottery of the Classical and Hellenistic periods, commercial amphorae (with several stamped handles), lead objects, clay female figurines, bronze needles and nails etc. . '. 

The sanctuaries were established on the edge of the ridge, where the port connection was a staircase carved in the rock. Indeed, it seems that the visibility of these buildings by the sea was a key test of the architectural design of the sacred. one Hellenistic inscription ( "Samothrace Gods") and a marble statue fragment, attributed to the sculptor Messinian Damophon, while the oldest human presence here, based on ceramics, placed in geometric-early archaic times very near previously identified.


Κ. Ξενικάκης – Σ. Γεσαφίδης

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