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Snow in Athens Is not as rare as many think

Trees covered with snow during a snowfall at the Penteli mountain in Athens, Greece, 29 December 2016. Greece was in the grips of sub-zero temperatures with heavy snowfall in northern and eastern Attica and even in downtown of Athens snowflakes have made their appearance.

The snowfall in the center of Athens early on Thursday morning is one of the few cases in recent decades when Athenians had to sweep the snow from their cars or sidewalks.

In the past three decades, usually snowfall has been limited mostly to the northern suburbs of the capital and the surrounding mountains. 

However, snowfall in central Athens is not as rare as many would think. In the 1900-2012 period, Athens had a total of 500 days of snowfall, ie 4.5 days per year on average. In the winter of 1991-1992 there were 19 days of snowfall, 13 in 1929 and 12 days in 1983 and 1911.

From 1900 to 1983 there were only four years without a single day of snow. In the 1984-2011 period, ie over 28 years, there were five years without a single snowflake.
Also, in the past 110 years there were five snowfalls in the month of November. 
The most recent November snowfall was on November 25-26 1976. Also, there were two years when Athens had snow in April and in the same 110-year period there were six snowfalls during Christmas season.

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