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Derveni Papyrus : Col. XXII B 11, H 38, D 8, I 10, B 12, H 37, D 9, A 9, I 60, A 1, H 19

The Digital Edition of the Derveni Papyrus

Derveni Papyrus
Col. XXII 
B 11, H 38, D 8, I 10, B 12, H 37, D 9, A 9, I 60, A 1, H 19 
K. Tsantsanoglou and G.M. Parássoglou Edition

πάν̣[τ’ οὖ]ν ὁμοίω[ς ὠ]νόμασεν ὡς κ̣άλλιστα ἠ[δύ]ν̣ατο,
γινώσκ̣ων τῶν ἀνθρώπων τὴν φύσιν, ὅτι οὐ̣ πάντες
ὁμοίαν ἔχουσιν οὐδὲ θέλουσιν πάντες ταὐτά·
κρατιστεύοντες λέγουσι ὅ τι ἂν αὐτῶν ἑκάστωι
5ἐπὶ θ̣υμὸν ἔλθηι, ἅπερ ἂν θέλοντες τυγχάνωσι,
οὐδαμὰ ταὐτά, ὑπὸ πλεονεξίας, τὰ δὲ καὶ ὑπ’ ἀμαθίας.
Γῆ̣ δὲ καὶ Μήτηρ καὶ Ῥέα καὶ Ἥρη ἡ αὐτή. ἐκλήθη̣ δὲ
Γῆ μὲν νόμωι, Μή̣τηρ δ’ ὅτι ἐκ ταύτης πάντα γ[ίν]εται,
Γῆ καὶ Γαῖα κατὰ [γ]λ̣ῶσσαν ἑκάστοις. Δημήτηρ̣ [δὲ]
10ὠνομάσθη ὥσπερ̣ ἡ Γῆ Μήτηρ, ἐξ ἀμφοτέρων ἓ[ν] ὄ̣νομα·
____ τὸ αὐτὸ γὰρ ἦν. —ἔστι δὲ καὶ ἐν τοῖς Ὕμνοις εἰρ̣[η]μένον·
“Δη̣μήτηρ [Ῥ]έα Γῆ Μή̣τ ̣ηρ Ἑστία Δηι̣ώι”. καλε[ῖτ]αι γὰ[ρ]
καὶ Δηιὼ ὅτι ἐδηϊ[ώθ]η ἐν τῆι με̣ίξει· δηλώσει δὲ̣ [λί]αν
κατὰ τὰ ἔπη̣ γεν̣[νᾶν]. Ῥέα̣ δ’ ὅτι πολλὰ καὶ̣ π̣ο̣[ι]κ̣[ίλα]
15ζῶ̣ια ἔφυ [ἐκρεύσαντα] ἐ̣ξ αὐτῆς̣, Ῥέα κα̣ὶ̣ [Ῥείη]
κατ̣[ὰ γλῶσσαν ἑκάστοις. Ἥ]ρ̣η δ' ἐκ[λήθη ὅτι
— — —

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Richard Janko's Review of Betegh 2004
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Janko, Richard, “The Derveni Papyrus: An Interim Text,” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 141, 2002, pp. 1–62.
Laks, André, “Between Religion and Philosophy: The Function of Allegory in the Derveni Papyrus”, Phronesis 42, 1997, pp. 121–142.
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Most, Glenn W., “The Fire Next Time. Cosmology, Allegories, and Salvation in the Derveni Papyrus”, Journal of Hellenic Studies 117, 1997, pp. 117–135.
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Richard Janko's Review of Tsantsanoglou, Parássoglou, & Kouremenos 2006;Tsantsanoglou, Parássoglou, & Kouremenos' Response to Janko; Janko's Response
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