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New Approaches and Paradigms in the Study of Greek Architecture / Νέες προσεγγίσεις και θεωρητικά μοντέλα στη μελέτη της Ελληνικής aρχιτεκτονικής

Attendance is free and open to the public.
Η Συμμέτοχή είναι δωρεάν και ανοιχτή για το κοινό.

Recent scholarship has challenged in a fundamental way our understanding of Greek architecture, ranging from rethinking individual monuments and construction techniques to reassessing whole categories of buildings. Concurrently, a wide array of new digital technologies—developed recently and tested in various contexts for archaeological fieldwork, site management, and spatial analysis—promises to transform the way in which architectural historians examine their material.

This conference/workshop brings together archaeologists and architectural historians to present their most challenging ideas alongside researchers who have used digital techniques to enhance the way they approach the preservation and analysis of ancient architecture. The papers will address “new approaches and paradigms” and include results from recent fieldwork, pure research, methodological critiques, and innovative digital approaches to the study of ancient architecture.

3 Nov – 5 Nov 2016
3 Νοεμβρίου στις 2 μ.μ. μέχρι 5 Νοεμβρίου στις 6:30 μ.μ. 2016
Cotsen Hall, Αναπήρων Πολέμου 9, 106 76 Αθήνα

Presented by
Prof. Philip Sapirstein and Dr. David Scahill
Dylan Rogers, 213-000-2400, ext. 209

International Conference, "New Approaches and Paradigms in the Study of Greek Architecture."

3-5 November 2016

Organized by Prof. Philip Sapirstein, Assistant Professor, History of Art, University of Nebraska,
and Dr. David Scahill, ASCSA

To be held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Cotsen Hall,
Anapiron Polemou 9, Kolonaki

Day 1: Thursday, November 3rd
14:00-14:30 Introductions: James Wright, Director, ASCSA,
Phil Sapirstein and David Scahill

14:30-15:15 Opening Keynote Lecture: Mark Wilson Jones (University of Bath)
New Approaches and Old Paradigms for Interpreting Greek Architecture

15:30-19:00  Session I: Design and Technical Considerations
(Coffee will be provided at a 16:30 break)
Session Chair: Georg Herdt (Oxford)

Jeanne Capelle (École Normale Supérieure, IRAA, Lyon 2)
Ancient Blueprints in Light of Recent Discoveries: The Theater at Miletus

Matthias Grawehr (University of Zurich)
Looking at the Unfinished: Roughed-out Ornamentation in Greek Architecture

Vasileia Manidaki (Acropolis Restoration Service, YSMA)
New Evidence for the Construction Phases of the Parthenon Peristyle: Anomalies on the Southwest Corner

Wilhelm Osthues (DAI, Berlin), Frank Prietz (Beuth Hochschule für Technik)
Changing Concepts of Stability in Monumental Greek Architecture: Ancient Practice and Modern Analysis

Arnd Hennemeyer (ETH Zurich)   
The Polychromy of Greek Architecture: Two Centuries of Research

19:30  Evening reception for participants, sponsored by the ASCSA

Day 2: Friday, November 4th
9:30-12:30  Session II: New Documentation and Analysis
(Coffee will be provided at an 11:00 break)
Session Chair: Jari Pakkanen (Finnish Institute, Royal Holloway)

Nils Hellner (DAI, Athens)
Early Temples Built of Wood and Stone: New Finds from Kalapodi (Phokis)

Nancy Klein (Texas A&M University)
The Small Limestone Buildings on the Acropolis of Athens

Yannos Kourayos (Cycladic Ephorate of Antiquities), Goulielmos Orestides, Dimitris Egglezos, Eua-Eleni Toumpakari (Directorate for the Restoration of Ancient Monuments),Vasilis Papavasileiou, Kornilia Daifa (Ministry of Culture)
Ο ναός και το εστιατόριο του ιερού στο Δεσποτικό: αρχαιολογία, αρχιτεκτονική, αναστήλωση
(The Temple and Hestiatorion of the Sanctuary on Despotiko: Archaeology, Architecture, and Restoration)

Brian McConnell (Florida Atlantic University)
Greek Techniques of Construction and Representation in the Sikel Heartland

Alexandra Tanner (University of Zurich) 
Three Hellenistic ‘Naiskoi’ in the Theater Area at Aigeira: Architecture in an Urban Context

12:45-14:15 Break for lunch

14:30-18:30 Session III: New Theoretical and Methodological Approaches
(Coffee will be provided at two breaks, 16:00 and 18:30)
Session Chair: Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos (University of Athens)

Silke Müth (National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen)
More than War: Symbolic Functions of Greek Fortifications

Andras Patay-Horvath (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Greek Temple Building from an Economic Perspective

Spencer Pope (McMaster University), Peter Schultz (NDSU), David Scahill (ASCSA)
The Management and Location of Public Treasures in the Parthenon in the Fifth Century BC: Storage Space in Greek Temples

Christian Fron, Verene Stappmann (University of Stuttgart)
Comparing Greek ‘Bouleuteria’ and Roman ‘Curiae’: Parallels and Differences in the Acoustic Reconstruction and Simulation of Greek Boule Meetings and Roman Senate Sessions

Elisavet P. Sioumpara (Acropolis Restoration Service, YSMA)
Recycling the Past, Second-hand Architecture or Waste Management? Reuse of Building Materials on the Athenian Acropolis

Sarah Rous (Rice University)
Upcycling as a New Methodological Approach to Reuse in Greek Architecture

18:45-19:45 Evening Keynote Lecture: Manolis Korres (NTUA, YSMA)
A Building Complex Adjacent to the Tower of the Winds: A Propylon, Stoa, and Arcade with Three Arches

20:15 – Dinner for speakers

Day 3: Saturday, November 5th
9:30-12:30  Session IV: Social Dimensions of the Built Environment
(Coffee will be provided at an 11:00 break)
Session Chair: Lena Lambrinou (Acropolis Restoration Service, YSMA)

Kyle Jazwa (Monmouth College)
Building Change: Domestic Architecture and Identity during the Bronze Age to Iron Age Transition

Christina Williamson (University of Groningen)
Turning the World Outside In: Local Panhellenic Festivals and the Architecture of Enclosure as Place-Makers in the Hellenistic Period

Mantha Zarmakoupi (University of Birmingham)
Interdisciplinary Methodological Approaches to the Study of Classical Urbanism between the Fields of Archaeology and Architecture

Mary Hollinshead (University of Rhode Island)
Contexts for Greek Architecture: Places and People

Jessica Paga (William & Mary)
Causal Efficacy and Architectural Agency: How Buildings Communicate

12:45-14:15 Break for lunch

14:30-16:15  Session V: Architectural Recording and Digital Presentation
(Coffee will be provided at a 16:15 break)
Session Chairs: Philip Sapirstein (UNL), David Scahill (ASCSA)

Matt Buell (Concordia University), John McEnroe (Hamilton College), Jorge Andreas Botero (Universitat de Barcelona), Rafal Bieńkowski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Recent Architectural Studies at Gournia in East Crete, 2011-2015

Clemente Marconi (IFA), Massimo Limoncelli (University of Lecce), David Scahill
New Architectural Work on the Acropolis of Selinunte, Sicily: Towards a 3D Platform for Cultural Heritage  

Miriam Clinton (Rhodes College)
House of the Rhyta at Pseira: 3D Crowdsourcing in an Online Virtual Environment

Dorothea Roos (Karlsruhe IT), Peter Baumeister (DAI, Berlin)
OLYMPIA 4D: New Work on the South Stoa in the Zeus Sanctuary of Olympia. ‘Archäologische Bauforschung’ and Development of a Parametric Digital Model

16:30-17:15 Closing Keynote Lecture: Bonna Wescoat (Emory University)
Choices, Iterations, and Virtual Representation in the Fragmentary World of Ancient Greek Architecture

17:30-18:30 Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks
M. Wilson Jones, M. Korres, B. Wescoat, P. Sapirstein, D. Scahill

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