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Pandia / Πανδία

In Greek mythology, the goddess Pandia (Greek: Πανδία) or Pandeia (Πανδεία), meaning "all brightness", was a daughter of Zeus and the goddess Selene, the Greek personification of the moon. From the Homeric Hymn to Selene, we have: "Once the Son of Cronos [Zeus] was joined with her [Selene] in love; and she conceived and bare a daughter Pandia, exceeding lovely amongst the deathless gods." An Athenian tradition made Pandia the wife of Antiochus, the eponymous hero of Antiochis, one of the ten Athenian tribes (phylai).

Originally Pandia may have been an epithet of Selene, but by at least the time of the late Homeric Hymn, Pandia had become a daughter of Zeus and Selene. Pandia (or Pandia Selene) may have personified the full moon, and an Athenian festival, called the Pandia, probably held for Zeus,was perhaps celebrated on the full-moon and may have been connected to her..

According to the Scholiast on Pindar's Nemean Odes the eponymous goddess of the town of Nemea was a daughter of Zeus and Selene. She may be the goddess Pandeia described in the Homeric Hymns. Her mother Selene was associated with cult of Zeus Nemeios in the town and was said to have been the mother or nurse of the famous Nemean Lion.

The goddess Dia was worshipped in the town of Phlios in Sikyonia near Nemea (above). She might be the Pandeia mentioned in the Homeric Hymns. Although the locals identified Dia with the goddess Hebe this does not preclude her identification as Pandeia, for Hebe's mother Hera was sometimes identified with Pandeia's mother Selene.

Strabo, Geography 8. 6. 24 (trans. Jones) (Greek geographer C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
"In Phlios (Phlius) and Sikyon (Sicyon) the temple of Dia is held in honor; and Dia is their name for Hebe."

Pausanias, Description of Greece 2. 13. 3 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) :
"On the Phliasian citadel [at Phlios (Phlius), Argolis] is a grove of cypress trees and a sanctuary which from ancient times has been held to be peculiarly holy. The earliest Phliasians named the goddess to whom the sanctuary belongs Ganymeda; but later authorites call her Hebe, whom Homer mentions in the duel between Menelaos and Alexandros (Alexander), saying that she was the cup-bearer of the gods; and again he says, in the descent of Odysseus to Haides, that she was the wife of Herakles. Olen, in his Hymn to Hera, says that Hera was reared by the Horai (Horae, Seasons), and that her children were Ares and Hebe.
Of the honours that the Phliasians pay to this goddess the greatest is the pardoning of suppliants. All those who seek sanctuary here receive full forgiveness, and prisoners, when set free, dedicate their fetters on the trees in the grove. The Phliasians also celebrate a yearly festival which they call Kissotomoi (Ivy-cutters). There is no image, either kept in secret of openly displayed, and the reason for this is set forth in a sacred legend of theirs though on the left as you go out is a temple of Hera with an image of Parian marble."


Στην ελληνική μυθολογία, η θεά Πανδία ή Πανδεία, που σημαίνει "όλα φωτεινά", ήταν κόρη του Δία και της θεάς Σελήνη, η ελληνική προσωποποίηση του φεγγαριού. Από το Ομηρικό Ύμνο στην Σελήνη, έχουμε: "Όταν ο Υιός του Κρόνου [Δία] ενώθηκε μαζί της [Σελήνη] με έρωτα , συνέλαβε και γέννησε μια κόρη την υπέροχη Πανδιά, που υπερβαίνει μεταξύ των αθάνατων θεών." Μια αθηναϊκή παράδοση θέλει την Πανδιά σύζυγο του Αντίοχου, του επώνυμου ήρωα της Αντιοχίς, μία από τις δέκα αθηναϊκές φυλές .

Αρχικά η Πανδιά μπορεί να ήταν ένα επίθετο της Σελήνης, αλλά τουλάχιστον από την εποχή των αείμνηστων Ομηρικών Ύμνων η Πανδία είχε γίνει κόρη του Δία και της Σελήνης. Η Πανδία προσωποποιεί την πανσέληνο, και σε μια αθηναϊκή γιορτή, που ονομάζεται τα Πάνδια, ίσως ήταν πραγματοποιήση του Δία που μπορεί να γιορτάζοταν την πανσέληνο και μπορεί να έχει συνδεθεί με αυτήν.

Σύμφωνα  αιγινητικές ωδές του Πινδάρου η ομώνυμη θεά της πόλης της Νεμέας ήταν κόρη του Δία και της Σελήνης. Αυτή μπορεί να είναι η θεά Πανδία που περιγράφεται στους Ομηρικούς Ύμνους. Η μητέρα της Σελήνη συνδέθηκε με τη λατρεία του  Νέμειου Δία στην πόλη και λέγεται ότι ήταν η μητέρα ή η νοσοκόμα του διάσημου λιοντάρι της Νεμέας.


Ησύχιος, Λεξικόν
Άλμα πάνω ↑ Πάνδεια: ἑορτή τις Ἀθήνησι μετὰ τὰ Διονύσια ἀγομένη. Λεξικό της Σούδας, pi,173
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Bekker, Immanuel, Anecdota Graeca: Lexica Segueriana, Apud G.C. Nauckium, 1814.
Cashford, Jules, The Homeric Hymns, Penguin UK, 2003. ISBN 9780141911175.
Cook, Arthur Bernard, Zeus: Zeus, God of the Bright Sky, Volume 1 of Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion, Biblo and Tannen, 1914.
Cox, George W. The Mythology of the Aryan Nations Part Two, Kessinger Publishing, 2004. ISBN 9780766189409.
Evelyn-White, Hugh, The Homeric Hymns and Homerica with an English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White. Homeric Hymns. Cambridge, MA.,Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914.
Fairbanks, Arthur, The Mythology of Greece and Rome. D. Appleton–Century Company, New York, 1907.
Hyginus, Gaius Julius, The Myths of Hyginus. Edited and translated by Mary A. Grant, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1960.
Kerenyi, Karl (1951). The Gods of the Greeks. Thames & Hudson.
Müller, Karl Otfried, History of the literature of ancient Greece, Volume 1, Baldwin and Cradock, 1840.
Obbink, Dirk, "56. Orphism, Cosmogony, and Gealogy (Mus. fr. 14)" in Tracing Orpheus: Studies of Orphic Fragments, edited by Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui, Walter de Gruyter, 2011. ISBN 9783110260533.
Parker, Robert, Polytheism and Society at Athens, Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 978-0-19-927483-3.
Robertson, Noel, "Athena's Shrines and Festivals" in Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia and Parthenon, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1996. ISBN 9780299151140.
Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich, Über Selene und Verwandtes, B. G. Teubner, Leizig 1890.
Smith, William; A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. William Smith, LLD. William Wayte. G. E. Marindin. Albemarle Street, London. John Murray. 1890. Online version at the Perseus Digital Library.
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