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The Greek Strategy by Tassos Athanassopoulos

The scope of my rhetoric is to emphasize the thesis, and not hypothesis, that strategy, as strategic analysis and synthesis, has an anthropocentric orientation, and is of Greek origin.
Its etymology originates from « stratos » and « igesia », and was the master art of a scope to any nike. It is based on the epistemological work of handling and maneuvering all tactical data about an organization, and about all else this organization faces in its agora. The glossary here is Greek, as in all epistemological arts. Strategy is epistemological as it is rational, and an art as it is a face of the reality. Its absolute reason for existence is the dramatic and severe shaking an organization realises in its forum by the practices of its antagonists. In analogy, it is based on the very basis, and the basic hypothesis of, economics.
Strategy, as described in my prologue, synonymous to planning, is not a panacea in itself; it is rather a policy. It is professed as a systemic, systematic and epistemological mode of a microscopic and a macroscopic analysis of an organization: its system parameters are analyses in an ideal reproduction -in an iconic scheme- of the antagonism in its periphery; then, a synthesis or mixing of options is concluded into different annual or omni-present plans, with which it will face the idiosyncratic monopolistic, oligopolistic, or complex dynamic and polymorphous, cataclysmic competition in its menace. All organizations dance in their idiomorphic and heterogeneous economic and political fora as athletes agonize in a marathon. An organization then, has to maintain an orthodox strategy if it is not to be traumatized by its competitors, with a gnomon to harmonize its production in a skeptical and eclectic piloting of its army, facing the antithesis of the stranger organizations
It is an anathema for all organizations who imitate their competitors as idols, to be stigmatized in apology to their archons, conclude to sporadic and periodic paralysis and utopian nomad practices, and face a catastrophic exodus. Organizations that do not manage to estimate the anatomy of the strategy of their competitors, discerning their strategic inclination, can not produce a competitive management through which to economize and antagonize. Strategy then is dilated and remembered as an Olympian program, an aristocratic method, an esoteric organizational meditation, an oligarchic algorithm, an apotheosis of logic. It is the anthropomorphic and anthropocentric artery of the organization and its periscope scoping around its perimeter. Mastering strategy illuminates organizational problems, and liberates from a plethora of dilemmas and risks, and from the oxymoron paradox of organizational kleistophobic (claustrophobic) homogeneity and teratogenesis. Legend cosmopolitan organizations of our era are characterized by dynamism, dictated by their parallel enthusiasm in practicing strategic theory. In antithesis, organizations of our epoch with absence of plans and apostasy from strategy are diagnosed having symptoms of nomad practice and melancholic politics, and syndromes of prodigal organic ontogenesis and atopous neologisms in pandemonium. This could be concluded by paraphrasing the Heracletian apophthegm of the prologue -a mortal angel for such organizations-, as a periphrastic lectic for those who are present but do not hear. For all these reasons, strategy should be professed in all gymnasia, as it is theorized and professed here with us.
As an epilogue Kyrie, the author sincerely apologises for tyrannising you, his audience, with his Hellenic/Greek phraseology. The confessed aesthetic melody of the phrases describing strategy in this rhetoric had not a demagogue character, but maintained a sincere pedagogical and didactic deontology, scoping to generate the magic phenomenon of euphoria present in all those who have the opportunity to meditate through Greek logos. My eulogies to you all who sympathize with this reason, and my eucharists to all else.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Θα μπορούσατε να μου δώσετε παραπάνω πληροφορίες για το ανωτέρω κείμενο ή/και τα στοιχεία επικοινωνίας του συγγραφέα;



Τα νερά των φυσικών ή ιαματικών πηγών είναι νερά, που πηγάζουν μέσα από πετρώματα και βράχους που βγαίνουν από τα έγκατα της γης. Είναι εμπλ...